Friday, September 30, 2005

New Article "Nig-huh?"

My music makes me cringe sometimes. Especially at work.
Well, imagine preparing for Monday morning madness at your desk. It’s just another day on the job--the same ole’ same ole’, nothing special. To help drive 9-to-5 hours along, you grab your IPOD. Screw the CDs for now. Your new favorite gadget can shuffle your favorite jams in party-mode rotation all day.
While fidgeting with the pint-sized DJ system, your supervisor stops by to rap a little morning small talk. You know, the “how was your weekend” stuff.
With your thumb on the IPOD play button, you reply, “Nothing big. Just a little--”
But then...
“‘Cause some niggas ain’t nuttin but bitches! I be killin’ mutha--”
So much for small talk. Ain’t nothin’ like a spitfire of N and B-words to kill that.
Panic kicks in. While banging fingers against the monitor, scrambling to kill X-rated babble blasting from five-inch speakers, a hard frown sets on your supervisor’s pink face. Kind of a strange look, actually. Somewhere stuck between shock, surprise, humiliation—-maybe even disgust.
You turn the volume knob to drop “bitches” and “niggas” to hush level, but then your supervisor steps away, shaking his head.
And you didn’t even hear how his weekend went.
This ever happen to you? Well, if you bump today’s Rap music, it probably has...

Are you a Rap fan who thinks the lyrics are too offensive? Let's Discuss it!